A lot of bread this week! But also… the easiest way to grill corn on the cob in the oven. Give it a try! Scroll down for the menu with clickable links.

Hearing loss and living life
A lot of bread this week! But also… the easiest way to grill corn on the cob in the oven. Give it a try! Scroll down for the menu with clickable links.
This week has been … weird, for many reasons and no reason at all. Probably because it has been raining for most of it. Work has also been quite hectic (yes, I know, everyone says that), with way too many little bits of things that fill up your day without having anything to show for it.
On Tuesday I had a phone call from a friend whom I have not spoken to in forever. It was… simple. Uncomplicated. And shame, then the poor guy caught me at the most horrible hour of fed-up-ness. First problematic thing was that the Lilliputians were singing along to a movie that they have been watching on repeat for weeks now. Why do they do that? I cannot remember doing it as a child but then again, that was because you would have had to rewind the tape first… that’s maybe it. And the dogs were being dogs, barking at anything that moved from the safety of the dry living room. Protecting the house without getting wet, you see.
So my rant started, and summarised all the chaos together with all the little things that were annoying me, which then turned towards myself. Comments about weight gain and not getting to everything. I depicted exactly how chaotic mornings have been here, because of my less than sunny disposition before 9 am. So he told me to watch my language. I was surprised. Don’t get me wrong, the guard in front of my mouth is a drunk sailor, but… he’s known me since school, I did not think that that was a problem.
Continue reading “Watch your language”Kintsugi is the art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer mixed with powdered precious metals like gold, silver, or platinum (thank you Wikipedia).
Leonard Cohen tells us to “Ring the bells that still can ring; Forget your perfect offering; There is a crack in everything; that is how the light gets in.” in his song, Anthem.
Continue reading “Showing through the cracks”