New year socks

I have been neglecting this little corner of mine for various, boring reasons that I am not going to get into, because they are going to sound like excuses. Today will be my second day back at work this year. The home office has migrated back to the Publishing offices as I have struggled off late to keep work away from home.

So this post should be the motivational beginning of the year post that have been flooding my inbox and social media. Truth be told, I am not feeling it. I am not a huge fan of the festive season. It creates expectation and gatherings… so many gatherings… and at the end of the day, we tend to miss the whole point. We also overindulge and pick fights with the family (in no particular order).

A beautiful friend of mine chooses a word at the beginning of every year. I am not really into new year’s resolutions (as I tend to disappoint myself), but I like the idea of having a theme of sorts. Something that reminds you of who you are and where you are going. Something that can pull you back towards yourself and keep you focussed.

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Fireside dinner menu # 29 – the holiday highlight edition

To make up for my silence, I will be enticing you with a menu fit for any holiday. Apologies to those who have decided to only eat salad in January.

The stuffed pork neck was a wonderful surprise and loved by all (especially the cook because it was easy AND budget-friendly). Also featured today are Hasselback sweet potatoes, Trinchado, Bobotie burgers and baked meatballs. I did these with beef instead of lamb. The tomato risotto has been posted before, but I am sharing it again, because it might just be my favourite side.

I realised that not all of you know that these are linked. All the underlined dishes have a link to the recipe in the PDF that you can download below… that’s why I bother!