I learnt about the reinterpretation of famous works this week. I even tried my hand at it!
This is my tangle attempt at Starry night by Van Gogh:

And also the Bridge over the lily pond by Monet:

Now, at first I shook my head, because is this not simply copying someone else. But then I realised that no, it is a unique work. Even though the inspiration came from elsewhere.
Do you think we can do this in life as well? See a quality in someone that we love and try to make it our own? Maybe have that quality become part of our values. It is something to think about.
Presonally, I feel that there is never anything wrong in attempting to be better, to do better. And who knows, perhaps there is something in you that someone else would like to adopt.
Maybe in all this trying, we can reinvent ourselves and discard all those elements that we do not adore.