
Spring tends to inspire, doesn’t it? A new season full of promise!

I have been quiet for various reasons, but more than one person has now actually commented on the absence of new posts and tonight there is finally something to be said.

I have referred to the advice that I pay for occasionally during these rambles. And I have had a hard time grasping my current homework. Being surrounded by death and hardship and illness… I think this has taken a toll on everyone. We are all in our own boats, trying to make sense and just … continue…

When these topics started, I was determined to “only take with me that which inspires me”. That means that I need to let go of “things” that no longer serve me. It all sounds simple. But in practice, what does that mean? I have come to the conclusion that I need to let go of things that make me unhappy and/or leave me unfulfilled.

Continue reading “Spring”

The interruption of loss

I have been wanting to write about this for a few days now, but have not been able to… get it right, somehow. A friend passed away in the early hours of the 12th of July and as these things go, I have had to go through a few emotions. And although I still want to dedicate a post to her, this is not that post.

Yes, it was sudden. Yes, she was too young. No, I don’t know what happened. She was a little sick, and then became very sick, but it was unexpected.  Yes, we spoke every day. No, it is certainly not my grief and loss alone, but the process of grieving has left me lost at sea.

Continue reading “The interruption of loss”