
Such a short, inobtrusive word, but SO important…

I read a post yesterday about a gentleman showing some understanding for the fact that everyone is dealing with something, and that we should attempt to tread a little lighter… be a little kinder.

I have been mulling this over for a while now: the notion that we should wrap everyone in cotton wool and not offend, not be harsh, not make any sudden movements or loud noises…

I have come to the conclusion, that it’s not that.

Continue reading “Respect”

At the end of 2020…

What my reading challenge taught me about New Year’s resolutions

I somehow feel that I should apologise for this post… because this is what everyone does, isn’t it? I have always said that I will not be making New Year’s resolutions because I tend to set myself up for disappointment.

Last December (2019), before we knew that the world would go mad, and fall apart, I set myself a Goodreads challenge. I have chatted about Goodreads before, and how it feeds into my tracking fascination so well. This was my third year setting this challenge and I had to acknowledge, finally, that being grown-up, meant that I was not able to read as much as I used to… mostly because, most nights, I would actually fall asleep on the second page. So for 2020, I said 18 books. A little more than once a month. And I almost made it. Today is the 31st of December and I should finish book 17 today. So close and yet so far!!

Continue reading “At the end of 2020…”