Fireside Dinner Menu # 23 – the week of the traybakes

I may or may not have mentioned before that these menu’s are not “real time” in that I only started posting these a while after I started logging our meals and recipes. Sometimes, therefore, you will get 7 unique meals but it would not always be Monday to Sunday. Sometimes I skip the confession that we had yet another takeaway or that we had cake for dinner (and with we I mean me) or that dinner involved something from a box that you could stick in the oven.

As I then type these up I am often reminded of a special meal or lovely company or something that did not come out as I intended it to. These recipes are therefore not only recipes but also little moments in time. And that my friends, is why I eat too much!

This week is also the week of the tray bakes. In essence it just means it is something that you spread out and stick in the oven. Gotta love it!

Have I raved about the 2 ingredient Naan yet? So, you can bake your own Naan bread (or braai it, as we did). There are only two ingredients and it really works. Also great for a pizza base.

You can download the full menu here: