Fragment of your imagination tangle challenge, 2022

It is March and I finally finished a doodle challenge that was set for January, which I had a head start on in December 2021… Yes, better late than never I guess. But, I persevered, and I am quite pleased with the outcome.

I completed my first FYIC challenge in 2021 (here are some of the sketches).

In 2022 I tried to incorporate some colour (mostly because the Engineer has been rolling his eyes at all the markers and gel pens and general stationery obsession – so I am using them, I promise!).

I have also tried my hand at shading… which still needs some work.

Some of the drawings took a number of episodes of whatever I was watching on Netflix and some were simple and quick.

Altogether I am a little addicted and really do find the drawing and colouring relaxing and also feel a sense of accomplishment when something is finished and for trying something new. I have also been endlessly inspired by other posts on the Facebook group. This is definitely a community group that you can also visit when feeling a little uninspired.

Of all the random things I try my hand at, this one is definitely the most mobile, and I can do it basically anywhere.

All in all, I will take part in this again next year, maybe even finish on time!