New year socks

I have been neglecting this little corner of mine for various, boring reasons that I am not going to get into, because they are going to sound like excuses. Today will be my second day back at work this year. The home office has migrated back to the Publishing offices as I have struggled off late to keep work away from home.

So this post should be the motivational beginning of the year post that have been flooding my inbox and social media. Truth be told, I am not feeling it. I am not a huge fan of the festive season. It creates expectation and gatherings… so many gatherings… and at the end of the day, we tend to miss the whole point. We also overindulge and pick fights with the family (in no particular order).

A beautiful friend of mine chooses a word at the beginning of every year. I am not really into new year’s resolutions (as I tend to disappoint myself), but I like the idea of having a theme of sorts. Something that reminds you of who you are and where you are going. Something that can pull you back towards yourself and keep you focussed.

I have however been racking my uninspired, unmotivated brain for something, but I have been… stuck.

This unmotivated and uninspired mood is the fallout of uncertainty and anxiety. So it has been lingering for a while. I therefore need to pull up the proverbial socks (is that a saying in English? – Jy moet jou sokkies optrek).

So this has been kicked off, by pulling up actual socks! We were fortunate enough to do a number of hikes this holiday with the lilliputians, and I have been keeping up with my running. In 2020 I realised that I really do have a problematic online shopping addiction J and in 2021 I implemented a reward system. Goals were set, and when they were reached I got a treat.

So my first gift to myself is funky running socks as a reward for keeping at it. Have you seen these? The Engineer took one look at them and said “weirdo”, which I happily accepted as a term of endearment. Here are some sites to check out:

#Keepmovingsocks #Versus socks #Sox footwear – don’t roll your eyes at me, looking is not buying.

My biggest challenge in the second half of last year was to find time to run. Inbetween the lilliputians and work and also trying to be a human, it was difficult to find enough hours in the day. Towards October I realised that to do it I need to schedule it. So I made a daily appointment with myself to lace up my shoes. I did not have a 100% success rate, but at least if you miss the one, you know there is another chance tomorrow.

Have I rambled on about my stop start continue exercise yet? You will continue what you enjoy. Therefore, don’t be unrealistic (I am not doing any marathons) and don’t attempt something that you hate.

Regardless, the running and pilates needs to stay on the continue list, because it is serving me well. And if I manage to keep it up, then other things may fall in place as well.